Lent is the time when we engage in a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal in preparation for Easter.
Central to this observance is prayer, which serve as a means of deepening one’s connection with God, seeking forgiveness for shortcomings, and strengthening faith.
Through prayer, we seek to emulate Christ’s forty days of fasting and prayer in the desert, drawing closer to God and embracing a spirit of self-discipline and humility. Lenten prayers are an integral part of the Catholic journey during this sacred season, guiding us toward spiritual growth, transformation, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and mercy.
In this particular Lent, we share the anguish of Jesus in the desert as we view the state of the current world today, its conflicts, anger and hatred, all the antithesis of the message of Christ. We unite our challenges, our ailments and our sufferings with the torment of Jesus over the state of the Earth to help us prepare for Holy Week, the chance of forgiveness, redemption and renewal for us and humanity.
Here are three prayers for Lent. See also our Lent resources page for further reflection and prayers.
The desert waits (an invitation to Lent)
The desert waits,
ready for those who come,
who come obedient to the Spirit’s leading;
or who are driven,
because they will not come the other way.
The desert always waits,
ready to let us know who we are-
the place of self-discovery.
And whilst we fear and rightly,
the loneliness and emptiness and harshness,
we forget the angels,
whom we cannot see because of our blindness,
but who come when God decides.
that we need their help;
when we are ready
for what they can give us
Ruth Burgess from ‘Eggs and Ashes’ (1990)
The Beatitudes (inspired by Matthew 5:3-12)
Blessed are the poor…
not the penniless
but those whose heart is free.
Blessed are those who mourn…
not those who whimper
but those who raise their voices.
Blessed are the meek…
not the soft
but those who are patient and tolerant.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice…
not those who whine
but those who struggle.
Blessed are the merciful…
not those who forget
but those who forgive.
Blessed are the pure in heart….
not those who act like angels
but those whose life is transparent.
Blessed are the peacemakers
not those who shun conflict
but those who face it squarely.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for justice…
Not because they suffer
But because they love.
P. Jacob in ‘Bread for Tomorrow’.
Cafod Lent Prayer 2024
Loving God,
when our boat is rocked
on the sea of life,
by poverty, illness or disaster,
you quiet the waves,
calm the storm,
and lead us safely to shore.
When we work hard,
for our daily bread,
but at the end of the day go hungry,
you walk alongside us,
calling, “cast out your nets”,
knowing there is enough for all.
When we are lost,
and uncertain of how
to make a change in our world,
your words ring out:
“Come, follow me”,
guiding us to new life with you.
Lead us then, Lord, to play our part
in calming the storm
and sharing your gifts with each other,
so that all people throughout the world
may look to the future with hope.
Catherine Gorman/CAFOD