About 20 of us met on Zoom on a cold evening with fireworks going off in the background! We had a good time together sharing issues and ideas around starting up and continuing activities and support for older people in our parishes at this strange time of transition.
Sister Bernadette from the Sisters of Mercy led us first in LAMENT remembering the difficult times we have come through and still have to navigate:
“As we gather this evening, we are conscious that we have lived and are living through a pandemic. This is something many of us may have never imagined.”
“The flow of life has changed, our way of life has been affected, and the crisis seems unending. Life has been difficult in so many ways and each person here tonight will be aware of that in some way, as an individual, a family, a colleague in a workplace or as a member of a Parish.”
“Our one constant through this journey of the pandemic has been our God, our companion, our comforter, our hope, our strength, our guide. The God who at times was close or who may have seemed far away.”
After a Lockdown poem, we moved on to expressing HOPE and STRENGTH as we move forward, with the words of Isaiah and prayers of commitment and faith:

We are not people of fear: We are people of courage. We are not people who protect our own safety: We are people who protect our neighbours’ safety. We are not people of greed: We are people of generosity. We are your people God, giving and loving, Wherever we are, Whatever it costs, For as long as it takes Wherever you call us.
We then broke into 3 DISCUSSION GROUPS on the following themes:
- Restarting or starting groups and activities
- Online or ‘in person’ or both?
- Supporting the vulnerable and reconnecting with the disconnected
With help from Hillary Wadsworth from Time to Shine, some of the themes discussed here were:

Rachel Beedle from Catholic Care who works with their older people’s groups facilitated this group – their main points were:

Mo Crossley from Huddersfield facilitated this group, enabling input from SVP and others, resulting in a good discussion with the following main points:

Feedback showed that attendees enjoyed both the reflections/prayers and the discussions, and we hope it was helpful to all to come together and share ideas and concerns.
We are now starting to plan for some events/content in the Spring on the theme of ‘Finding our Calling in Later Life’ – watch this space (as they say!).