Enjoy 3 Minute retreats at home

Loyola Press provide ‘3 minute retreats’ for each day that you can easily access at your computer whenever you want.

One of our readers alerted me to this precious resource and I thought I would share it with you all.

The website says:

‘3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer. Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.’

‘Knowing that not everyone prays at the same pace, you have control over the pace of the retreat. After each screen, a Continue button will appear. Click it when you are ready to move on. If you are new to online prayer, the basic timing of the screens will guide you through the experience.’

Each retreat has a lovely picture accompanying it, and you can listen to the music audio if you want. The first screen prepares you by prompting you to pause and breathe.

It is followed on the next screen by a short passage from Scripture and then a brief narrative comment/reflection on the passage. Next come a couple of questions for your own reflection, and lastly a prayer.

Why not try out today’s retreat ?
Or choose one from the list of past retreats..

You can also sign up for daily email alerts or download the app for your phone.

Thanks are due to the Loyola Press for all their work to help us learn and reflect each day. There are also many other places you can access daily prayers and readings, some of which are mentioned on our page about mass and prayers online.

Prayer week focusing on prayer for/with Older People

From Sun 7th June – Sat 13th June The Pilgrim’s Friend Society are having a week of prayer for older people and the issues affecting them.

Take a look at this user friendly prayer resource, or check out their blog posts throughout the week including blogs from Faith in Later Life and Linking Lives on topical issues about later life.

The prayer resource is excellent for use at any time, why not print it off and use it as a prompt whenever you need it.

Why not also take a look at the other excellent free resources on the Pilgrim’s Friends website including resources for churches and detailed dementia information sheets, or their helpful booklets. You will be sure to find something that is helpful for you or your church/organisation.

Seeking is Seeing

I have recently discovered this Prayer, from an anonymous source, which I find very reassuring. I hope you find it helpful too:
 Seeking God is as good as seeing God.picture of Julian of Norwich

Who, but a saint,

Would know so clearly

That the journey is the reality,

The steps are sight,

The effort is reward,

The seeing is the searching,

The dream is the reality?

Seeking God is seeing God.

 Julian of Norwich