Want to deepen your knowledge about Dementia?
At this event you will hear firsthand the story of someone living with dementia and the story of a carer of a person living with dementia, followed by a choice of interesting workshops.
Leeds Caritas and partners (Dementia Friendly Forum) have organised this event as part of Dementia Action Week to explore the experiences of those living with dementia, and ways in which we can support them in church and everyday life.
Growing Old Gracefully is pleased to be involved in the planning and running of this important event.
- Short Liturgy
- Voice of a person living with Dementia
- Voice of a Carer
- Break out rooms/workshops (you can choose from one of the following):
- Dementia Awareness
- Types of Communication with people living with dementia
- Dementia and Faith
- Current Dementia Campaigns
- Advanced Care Planning
- Plenary
- Where to find out more online
- Call to Action
TO ATTEND PLEASE EMAIL GREGORY STACEY BY 19th MAY AT gregory.stacey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk and state your first and second choices for the workshop topics above. Thank you.