Contrary to some popular opinions, many of our ‘older parishioners’ are passionate about the care of our planet and very active in the Diocese and beyond. One example is David Jackson who is a Laudato Si’ Animator, a role you can read about HERE.
As we finish the Season of Creation and look towards the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, an article on the website of the Diocese of Salford reminds us of our ongoing journey in the care of creation. The article was written by the ‘Laudato Si’ Centre’ which started at Wardley Hall in 2019.
‘As the Season of Creation draws to a close, our planet’s fight for recovery and revival continues and people across the diocese are called to play their part in ecological conversion.’
‘Over the past few weeks, Christians around the world have united in prayer, reflection, and action in response to a crisis that is damaging our communities and common home almost beyond repair.’
‘With political powers from around the world convening in Glasgow in just a few weeks’ time, the ‘environment’ is set to be the buzzword of the season, but Pope Francis warns that this cannot just be a fad, and concrete action must be taken.’

‘Speaking on Earth Day in April 2021, he said: “Both the global catastrophes, Covid and climate change, prove that we do not have time to wait.’
“Time urges us, and as Covid-19 demonstrated, we do have the tools to face the loss. We have the instruments. This is the moment to act. We are at the edge.”
‘Although there is a lot of work to do, we are confident that together we can build a better future.
Together we can answer the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.’
Read the full article on this link: Season of Creation – What are our next steps?.
Actions in our own Diocese
Catholics supported the Climate Emergency Walk to Bradford 17th September

David and Molly Somerville coordinated a Catholic presence at this important event – they wrote about it beforehand in an article for Leeds Justice and Peace Commission -you can read it HERE
Leeds Justice and Peace Events and Actions
Visit the Leeds Justice and Peace Commission Website for many articles, links and events on this subject, which is a major focus for the Commission.
In particular, visit the recent article on ‘Conflict and Climate Change Liturgy’, which gives links for what you can do now – there you can download a Climate Emergency Declaration and Parish Action Leaflet provided by Vince Borg from St John Mary Vianney parish in N Leeds.
In the run up to COP26 ONE THING WE CAN ALL DO is SIGN THIS PETITION being promoted by the Laudato Si movement (formerly known as the Global Catholic Climate Movement).
Some More Resources
Visit the Environment Case Studies page to find information and links to Guardians of Creation, Journey to 2030, Live Simply, and more.
Green Christian unites Christians in campaigns and local action/events – see HERE and HERE.
There are local groups including one in Leeds, Paul Magnall is the local contact on leeds@greenchristian.org.uk
These are only a few of the groups and organisations seeking to be active in the care of ‘our common home’, and there are many more in your area. Why not see what you can join in with near you.
Compiled by Rhoda Wu, 5th October 2021